Delete resources in ECS and ECR
Delete ECS Resources
First, you need to delete the two services, backend and frontend.
- Go to the AWS console and search for ECS.
- Select the Cluster you created and scroll down to the Service section.
- Select the two running services and choose Delete service.
- Select Force delete.
- Enter
- Select Delete.
- Complete the service deletion.
Next, proceed to delete Task definitions.
- Go to Task definitions and select all revisions.
- Expand Action and choose Deregister.
- Perform the same steps for the frontend as you did for the backend.
- Complete the deletion of Task definitions.
Delete ECS Cluster
- Go back to the Cluster and select Delete cluster.
- Enter
delete FCJ-Lab-cluster
- Select Delete.
- Wait a moment for the cluster deletion to complete.
Delete ECR Resources
First, delete the Images.
- Go to the repository in ECR.
- Select the existing image and choose Delete.
- Enter
- Select Delete.
- Image deletion successful.
Next, delete the repository in ECR
- Select the repository you want to delete.
- Choose Delete.
- Select Delete.
- Repository deletion successful.
Repeat the same steps for the remaining ECR repositories.