Create S3 Bucket to store logs

Creating an S3 Bucket

To store the logs, we’ll need to create an S3 Bucket. In the search bar:

  • Enter S3.
  • Select Amazon S3.


Go to Buckets, then select Create bucket.


Start configuring the S3 bucket:

  • Name: give it any name; here, we’ll name it firelens-logs.
  • Object Ownership: select ACLs Disable (recommended).


Next, we’ll make the Bucket accessible over the Internet.


To expedite the practice, we’ll make this Bucket publicly accessible in this tutorial. However, for a real-world setup, you should configure an S3 Endpoint for your VPC and disable public access for the Bucket. Additionally, apply a Resource-based Policy on the Bucket and permit ECS Service as a Principal.

In Bucket versioning, select Disable.


Next, in the Default encryption section:

  • Encryption type: leave it as default.
  • Bucket key: Disable.
  • Click Create bucket.


Once created, you can view the result in the S3 console.
