Create Frontend CodeBuild
Create Frontend CodeBuild
- Access AWS Console and search for CodeBuild service in the menu
- Select Build project
- Click Create project
- Enter Project name:
- Select GitHub as Source provider
- For Connection, select Custom
- Choose Personal access token
- Click Create a new secret
- In the Create secret panel, fill in:
- Secret name:
- Secret description:
Access token for github
- GitHub personal access token: Paste the token created in previous step
Go back to GitHub to get Repository URL:
- Copy the HTTPS URL of the repository
Return to CodeBuild:
- Select Repository in my GitHub account
- Paste HTTPS URL into GitHub repository field
- Source version:
In Primary source webhook events section:
- Select Rebuild every time a code change is pushed to the repository
- Choose Single build
- Click Add filter group
- Select Event type: PUSH
- Enter Pattern:
Configure environment:
- Provisioning model:
- Environment image:
Managed image
- Compute: EC2
- Operating system: Ubuntu
- Runtime: Standard
- Image: aws/codebuild/standard:7.0
- Image version: Always use latest image for version
- Service role:
- Click Next
Expand Additional configuration
- Click Add environment variable
- Add environment variables according to the table:
Configure Buildspec:
- Select Use a buildspec file
- Buildspec name:
Configure Logs:
- Select Enable cloudwatch logs
- Click Create build project
Add role for FE CodeBuild
After creating the build project:
- Access the newly created build project
- In the Service role section, click on the role to navigate to IAM management
Add permissions to the role:
- Select Add permissions
- Choose Attach policy
- Search and select these policies:
- Click Attach policies